
Everything You Need to Know About Beautiful Moissanite Rings

Moissanite is one of the newest gemstones to become more popular. It has the same beautiful qualities as diamonds and can be less expensive than a natural stone.

Besides its affordability, lab-created Moissanite is a more ethical and sustainable choice for an engagement ring. It doesn’t require mining or any adverse environmental impacts.


Moissanite rings are beautiful gemstones that are an alternative to diamond engagement rings. They are the perfect choice for those who want to find a more ethical way to buy their ring and still get the desired quality.

Like diamonds, beautiful moissanite engagement rings are available in various cut styles. Round, oval, pear, cushion, princess, and radiant cuts are all popular choices.

The most common and elegant engagement ring cut is the brilliant round. This cut has the most significant brilliance and fire, making it look sparkly and dazzling in every light.

If you choose a brilliant round, your moissanite stone will reflect the light in different directions, making it sparkle beautifully. This type of ring is a timeless classic; you’ll surely find it in our collection.

Another great thing about moissanite is that it can be found in various colors. Some are colorless, while others can vary from pink to green to yellow.

These colors can make a moissanite ring more attractive and unique to a specific audience. For example, a pink moissanite can be an excellent match for a bride-to-be with an affinity for red.

Regardless of the color, Moissanite is very durable and a close match for diamonds on the Mohs scale of hardness. They also have a high refractive index, so they tend to refract light more than diamonds, producing a more substantial level of brilliance.


When choosing a ring, you want something that can withstand wear and tear. Moissanite is an excellent option for this as it reaches a hardness score of 9.25 on the Mohs scale, which is higher than any other gemstone used in jewelry besides diamonds (which gets a 10).

It’s also highly durable and resistant to scratches from everyday wear. It’s a good idea to talk to a jeweler about your lifestyle and activities, as this can help determine if your chosen ring will be suitable for daily use.

One thing to consider is that moissanite can sometimes be a little warmer in tone than diamonds, although this tends to change depending on lighting conditions, and it can be a lovely addition to your ring.

Thankfully, you can always choose from a range of enhanced moissanite made to look as nearly colorless as possible.

They also have zero fluorescence and do not display the blue tint seen in some lab-created moissanite. These stones are a true game changer!


Moissanite is a carbon-based gemstone that has a similar chemical composition to diamonds. But it is much more complicated and has a higher refractive index, meaning it sparkles more than diamonds.

Since it is less dense than diamonds, a moissanite stone can appear more significant than a diamond stone of the same carat weight. This makes it an ideal choice for couples who want a large rock without paying much money.

However, you must be careful to stay moderate in size. A 6-carat moissanite may look fake to someone used to looking at diamond rings, especially if it’s too big for the one you plan on wearing.

As a rule, staying under 1 carat (about 6mm) is better. This way, the ring won’t look too big or too small, and you can get the same firey sparkle as if you had a. 5-carat diamond if you wanted it.

Another thing to watch out for is color. Because moissanite reflects light, it can appear yellowish or green-like undertones when it is too dark or the cut is not optimal.

Luckily, lab-made moissanite is not affected by these natural hues. It is made in a laboratory and can be crafted into virtually any shape, style or size.


Moissanite rings are significantly less expensive than diamonds, making them an excellent choice for many budget-conscious shoppers. Moreover, the gemstone can be cut into various shapes and sizes. This makes finding the perfect ring to suit any style or personality effortless.

Moissanite is a synthetic gem created in a lab rather than mined from the earth like diamonds. This reduces the environmental impact of mining, which is essential for some buyers.

Most lab-developed moissanite appears colorless and earns grades from D-F on the color scale. However, some larger stones may contain slightly warm undertones or hints of gray and green that only appear in certain lighting conditions.

In the long run, choosing a stone that will look the most beautiful in all light conditions is best. This means you’ll want to ensure your ring is set in a lustrous metal with high lusters, such as platinum or gold.

It’s also important to remember that the appearance of a moissanite ring will depend on how well it’s cared for. Taking it to a professional jeweler at least once a year is recommended to clean the stone deep and remove any buildup.

The occasional tendency for Moissanite to show slight overtones in the light is an excellent characteristic, which can help add to the ring’s character and intrigue you. Whether it’s the subtle rainbow effect, or just a glimpse of something glimmering when it’s caught in the right light, we’ve heard many women appreciate this unique feature!

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