
All to Know About Sukhasana

Yoga has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years and not just in the country but the people worldwide have started inculcating the habit into their daily life due to the various health benefits it has. Although yoga is a vast field and one needs proper guidance and some time to master the skill. Let us start with learning about the ‘Sukhasana’ which means position and peace. A yoga pose that can be practised easily and comes with a lot many health benefits according to best online casino.


Easy Pose is a hip-opening pose that stretches the knees and ankles and strengthens the back. It is also a calming pose and it is one commonly used for meditation and practicing breathing exercises.

While children often sit in this position, adults get used to sitting in chairs and develop tight hips. Easy Pose can help open up tight hips.

Sukhasana offers a variety of benefits for people who are pregnant. In addition to opening the hips, it helps stretch the spine, increases energy, uplifts mood, improves digestion, and betters breathing.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Arrange supportive padding (blanket, block, or bolster) under your sit bones so your hips will be higher than your knees when you come into the pose.

Come to sit on your padding in a comfortable, cross-legged position. Shift the flesh of your butt to each side with your hands so that your sit bones have a firm foundation.

Lean back and forth and side to side with your torso a few times to make sure your shoulders are aligned directly over your hips. Slide the shoulder blades down your back so your shoulders move away from your ears. The crown of your head should rise towards the ceiling.

Your hands can rest in your lap or on the tops of your thighs. Turn your palms up to be receptive or down to feel grounded.

On your inhalations, feel your spine grow long. On your exhalations, root down through your seat.

Common Mistakes

Sukhasana is a pretty straightforward pose, but it involves several parts of the body. In order to get the most benefits from the pose and avoid discomfort and possible injuries, try these tips for fine-tuning the position.

Upper Back and Neck


Lift the breastbone and think in terms of your shoulders broadening away from each other (but not too far back).
Draw your chin in toward the front of your neck and imagine the back of your neck being gently pulled upwards.

Lumbar Spine

In this position, you may have a tendency to allow your lower back to curve inwards (as in a backbend) or outwards (arching your back). Both can put pressure on the spine.5


If your back is curving inward, imagine your tailbone sinking down toward the floor. This will allow your pelvis to tilt back slightly and the lumbar spine to straighten.
If your back is curving outward, try to gently tilt the pelvic girdle forward. Putting a blanket or blocks under the buttocks so that the hips are raised a little can, for some people, make it easier to sit with the pelvis tilted forward sufficiently.


Sitting in Sukhasana can, in some cases, restrict circulation in the legs.6 This is something to be especially aware of if you already have a condition that compromises circulation, such as varicose veins or edema, or if you are pregnant.


Don’t pull your feet in too close to your pelvis. Placing them farther away will keep your knees from bending too much. Sitting on some padding can also keep your knees from bending excessively.
Don’t stay in the position for too long.
Consider an alternative pose, such as Staff Pose (Dandasana).


If your hips are not that flexible, you may not be able to place your knees close to the ground. This can affect the posture and strain your spine, and that won’t be good for you gaming experience at best real money casinos.


Place yoga blocks or a blanket under your buttocks.
Placing some padding under your knees can also give you more stability and help you feel more grounded in this position.

Feet and Ankles

If the knees are high off the ground, this can cause a significant degree of sideways flexion in your ankles, which can be uncomfortable. Or the outside of your ankles may be uncomfortable because they are touching the ground.


Place soft padding underneath the ankles or use two yoga mats.
Tuck each foot under the opposite shin in a traditional cross-legged position.
Bring one heel in toward your groin. The other foot may rest on the floor in front of you so your heels will line up. This configuration opens your legs a little wider.

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