
What is Yoga flow? An amazing method to activate your energy?

For several years now, I have been practicing and teaching Yoga classes. I always felt the desire to merge this discipline with dance, dance and training, which were the basis of all my training since I was little. That is why here I am, in my present, teaching both more traditional styles and other more modern ones and merging different types of movement with the wonderful world of Yoga.

From my experience, I discovered that this is the best combination and closure that we can give to a class:

  • Listening to the body.
  • Moving consciously.
  • Stopping the whirlwind of thoughts.
  • Recording how we find ourselves and relaxing to go home with a feeling of peace and tranquility that accompanies us for the rest of the day.

Here I propose a Yoga Flow sequence to activate the energy and discover this dynamic and innovative style. Before we start, I want to tell you a little about what it is about.

What is Yoga Flow?

It is a style of Yoga where sequences of interlaced postures are performed in a more dynamic way. Unlike other styles, each posture ( asana ) is not held for several breaths but is passed from one asana to another, taking movements of dance (be it classical, contemporary, or others) and of body, expression to make this class a true flow of energy, a “letting go” with movement.

They are dynamic classes, with elements of Yoga and meditation, but also with the influence of other disciplines that make it different and with a special touch. Yoga Flow invites you to flow with your body, to feel it, to release stored emotions, stagnant energies, accumulated tensions. Yoga Flow invites you to dance with your body. That is why I call it the “yoga dance.”

Benefits of Yoga Flow

Being a branch of Yoga, it has the benefits of this ancient practice, and also, other specific and inherent to it are added. Below I mention some of them, from the most general to the most specific:

  • Improves the strength of all muscle groups
  • Improves joint mobility and range
  • Improves flexibility
  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Reduce stress
  • Helps control anxiety
  • It helps us maintain a more serene life by working on our emotions.
  • It makes us more grateful for life.
  • It keeps us in the “here and now,” allowing us to enjoy our present
  • It gives us a more positive attitude towards life and improves our mood
  • It allows us to discover how the body is in that flow of movement, identifying how we feel and letting go without prejudice.
  • It helps us discover fears or obstacles through the exploration of body movement.

If you feel exhausted, or you find yourself at a time in your life where energy seems not to reach, the demands of daily activities are too great and your body screams for a pause, this sequence that I propose today will raise your energy and it will allow you to discover what you need.

Through the fluid and respectful movement of the body, we can go through every corner, recognizing our possibilities and limitations and, above all, accepting them. At the same time, we indulge in this conscious dance to mobilize each energy center and each muscle group, releasing tensions, obstacles, prejudices and, especially, that we can connect with enjoyment by being kind to our body and with everything.

Yoga Flow Sequence

Do you dare to do a sequence with me? Then I share it with you.

Before starting, try to be calm and in a pleasant environment. Choose a place in your house that you like and that gives you harmony. You can also take this sequence wherever you want. Take a few breaths to bring your attention back to your inner rhythm and come into awareness. You can do some gentle movements of joint mobility in the cervical area, shoulders, spine, and wrists.

Take time to prepare your body and be able to be present at that moment. It is not easy to leave thoughts behind, so respect your times and keep your breath soft so that it slowly helps you to feel yourself.

Enjoy the fluidity of the movement

Standing with bent knees, inhale deeply and bring your arms to the sides, opening your chest. Exhaling, close your chest and bring your arms forward. Repeat this movement at the rate of your breath 3 times.

In a smooth movement accompanied by inhalation, bring your right leg back, taking a long step, and bending your left leg. On the exhale, bring your arms up to the side of the ears. Let them fall soft as hugging you to inhale again, opening the chest, extending your spine and taking arms to expand as much as you can.

Inhale deeply and bring your left forearm over your left thigh. Open your chest, free yourself as much as you need and extend your right arm (as if you were trying to look at the ceiling or the sky). Exhaling, bring your hands to the ground and then move into the tent posture, lengthening your spine. In the tent, raise your right leg, inhaling and exhaling flex the knee.

From the previous position, inhale deeply and when you exhale, bring your right knee to the ground between your hands. I repeated this movement 3 times. After this, continue towards the cobra pose, holding a breath, opening the chest and trying not to strain the neck.

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